
Luke 1. 26-30

Six months after Gabriel delivered God’s message to Zechariah, God sent the angel with another message, this time to a virgin named Mary. Each time Gabriel appeared, he brought important messages from God. This time was no exception.

Nazareth in Galilee was Joseph and Mary’s hometown. Mary was not a prophet or priest, She was not in God’s temple performing acts of service. Instead she was a young woman living at home planning her wedding, for she was engaged to a young man named Joseph. In ancient Jewish marriages , the word engaged or betrothed had a different meaning than today. First the two families would agree to the union and negotiate the betrothal, including a price for the bride which would be paid by the bride’s father. Next. A public announcement would be made. At this point, the couple was “pledged” to each other. This is similar to engagements today, except it was much more binding. At this point, even though the couple was not officially married, their relationship could only be broken through death or divorce. Sexual relations were not permitted. This second step lasted for a year.During that time the couple would live separately, with their parents. This waiting period would demonstrate the bride’s purity. If she were found to be pregnant during that time, the marriage would be annulled. After this waiting time. The couple would be married and begin living together. What Mary was about to hear from the angel would have significant impact on her engagement.

That Joseph was a descendant of King David is important for Joseph’s journey to Bethlehem and for the fact that Jesus would be born into the royal line of David. (Although Joseph was not his father, Jesus would be considered in the royal line through the rights of adoption.)

When Gabriel appeared to Mary, he called her favored woman because she would be a special recipient of God’s grace. This young woman was confused and disturbed as to why she was being greeted in such a way by this heavenly visitor.

Gabriel told Mary that God had decided to bless her. The words did not point out any special virtue in Mary, she was not sinless. God chose Mary, blessed her and she humbly accepted the call to be the mother of Jesus. The result of this blessing came in God’s choice of Mary to be the mother of Jesus. Gabriel explained that this child would grow in her womb, be born as all human children are born and be named Jesus. This son will be very great and be called the Son of the Most High. The word “Son” was a designation of the Messiah, the long awaited savior.

Jesus, a Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, was a common name meaning Yahweh saves. Just as Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land so Jesus would lead his people into eternal life. The symbolism of Jesus’s name was not lost on the people of his day, who took names seriously and saw them as a source of power. In Jesus’ name people would be healed, demons would be banished and sins would be forgiven.

What does it mean to have favor? To have favor is to be exempted from evil. Psalm 91.7reads, “a thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you.” To have favor is to be supported, to be protected and to have the assistance of angels. Angels go before us to assist us to protect us from seen and unseen danger.

Favor gives victory, it makes things easier. Favor gives effortless victory. Favor provides us with advantages, gives insight and puts one ahead of the game. Favor gives one special privileges. Favor is a part of the heritage of the believer. When we are born again we are born into favor as well as the household of God. Ps. 5.12 reads, you bless the righteous with favor. You cover them with favor as with a shield. Sisters and brothers we are surrounded with favor and because we are good things, unprecedented and unusual things happen to and for us.

After being taught that we have the favor of God we must believe that this is our reality as a believer.

Live life favor minded and the blessings of God are yours to have and to enjoy every day of our lives.

Thank God for the gift of God’s favor and meditate on Psalm 5.12 and confess with your mouth by saying daily, “I am surrounded with favor.”
